Sunday, March 2, 2014

Video knitting classes

I love to watch knitting tv shows. Unfortunately there are not a lot of knitting shows on TV here. I try to get my crafting videos from an online forum called craftsy. I love craftsy. I have taken several of there courses and they were all great. My favorites were the drop spindle one and the Entrelac courses. The drop spindle class was one of the reasons I got into spinning...and I have tons of posts about that. The Entrelac course is awesome... Gwen Bortner is terrific she does help Entrelac become your mindless knitting.

Craftsy also has a lot of free classes, currently I have been listening to class on micro torching is very cool and it makes me want to start jewelry making.

I also love to watch craft DVDs. Most of mine are from Interweave. I do love the privately published ones. Jacey Boggs has one titled Sit and Spin, even non spinners will enjoy this DVD. It is fabulous. I like that the artist gets a little more of the money from the sale of private ones. I try to support my favorite little ways..buying a knitting pattern or kit from them...books, DVDs. These folks are not getting rich in fiber arts. I hear you are lucky if you get a dollar a book from book sales...who knew. When I first started knitting.. I thought the writers of the books could retire off the sales..I have learned that this is not the case.

This is the cowl I knitted in the craftsy class..... It was so much fun. Maybe it is time for another.