Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Spinning like a wheel!

I have been spinning like crazy.  It is fiber festival time in New Mexico.   I attended the "Heart Of New Mexico Fiber Gathering" this weekend.  It was lovely.  There were fantastic fiber artists showing lovely fibers, yarns, woven items and felted items.  Really beautiful stuff there.

At the beginning of August I attend Art Through The Loom's Rag Rug Festival in Santa Fe.  Once again beautiful rag rugs, yarns, woven rugs, knitted items, eco-printed items and so much more.  I found the rag rugs made from ties to be super cool and very creative.

Here is a picture of some green dyed fleece that I tail spun.  I have not dyed nor spun a lot of green.  It was fun to spin.. several different breeds are included in this yarn including coopworth, teeswater, wensleydale and even more.

Here is a picture of some Gotland that I have spun 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Tailspun Yarn

I have several of the Namaste Farms Scrapboxes that I have not yet spun.  Here is one of them that I spun using a core allowing the locks to hang freely.. tailspun..  I am happy with the results.. it has felted beads included.. I added these .. they were not part of the scrap box.  It was a lot of fun to spin this yarn.

orange lock spun yarn

Spinning more coils

Honestly I do spin yarns other than coils.. I just finished a tailspun yarn this morning..but since it is soaking.. I can only post a picture of the coiled yarn that I finished yesterday.  It is from a Targhee and Silk braid from Huckleberry Knits

or another view

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Orange Coils

Sunset Coils

This is a skein that I spun a little over a month ago.  It is BFL and silk and it was wonderful to spin.  I liked the addition of the silk to the BFL.. it gives it a little bit more strength and luster.  It is from a braid from Quillin Fiber Arts.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Toiling over Coils

I have been spinning a lot of coiled yarn lately.  I have found that using good fiber that has not been felted at all makes a big difference in spinning the slub yarn part of the coil.   Here is a photo of one of the skeins.. Will try to post more photos of the other skeins later.   This is a fun yarn to spin but it can be frustrating.  If you do not have enough twist in your slub yarn when you ply it or coil it.. it will tend to come apart.  I find I need to be extra careful about letting the twist from plying travel to my slub yarns.

Merino Braid from Quillin Fiber Arts

I spun this about 2 months ago... I think the top one looks a little nicer. but the brown coils are fine too.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

After a long dyeing break....

My latest dyeing experiments include finally a dye pot after a year off from dyeing... I was just happy it did not felt.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Dyeing the blues

My latest dyeing...fleece includes Teeswater, Cormo Cross, corriedale