I am still progressing on the mara shawl pattern. Right now I am working on the 2by2 ribbed edging. This part will probably take me at least 10 hours to do.
I am also trying to learn to spindle. I am using the craftsy online course and have an instructor. So far with my instructor I have learned to make rolags using cards, we have just started using a hook to spindle the rolags. I have a bit of a hard time drafting consistently. I ordered my spindle for the craftsy course. I hope it comes in the next week because I am really excited to try that. Learning to spin with a spindle is a lot cheaper than buying a spinning wheel. I am not sure but I imagine one of the hardest things for beginners is learning to draft well. I will post a few pictures of my poorly made yarn bits with the hook. You have to start somewhere.
I find that when I card the wool to make it into rolags... if I do it for too long it really bothers my allergies. Yesterday my eyes were itching, I was sneezing. I have knitted with tons of wool yarn and worn wool clothing without a problem.. so I am a little surprised by this.